Friday, May 28, 2010

You can tell school's out when....

So, after strict instructions to not call me every 10 minutes just to say someone was bothering them, they only called me 3 or 4 times and Jeff twice. And, all afternoon I don't hear from them and think Jeff got home early. Well, not the case. You can tell school is out when you find this...

and this, including the poor boy that is going to be hurting big time from using sunscreen while his shirt was still on

and this,
and this (after effects of a Nerf gun war)

and my favorite was this gift I found on the porch. "I love you Derek Austill. Will you marry me? From your secret admirerer." But then she gave her name.
I told him not to date until 16!


  1. I love Derek too! (that not is to darn cute!) And Kade, that looks painful!

  2. Don't be tooooo surprised if he gets more than just one "secret admirer note. It really is your fault, if you two didn't make just good looking kids you wouldn't be in this will get worse. The kids take after their father, this is why I created the famous "lists" for summers. I love you all very much. Give each other kisses from me. Love Mom & Nana xoxoxoxoxo

  3. Congrats on your upcoming wedding, send me an invite. Love the mess and ouch Kade, I 've been there! Congrats on the graduation and birthday Nicholas!
