Sunday, May 23, 2010

Baby Steps

First we started with a lot of weeds. This is just a small pile of them. We had this whole side of the back in dried up weeds.

This was last year after clearing out the weeds.

Then Jeff put a nice border of tiles and we tried planting grass. It didn't work.

And, believe it or not, we had a lot of rain this winter and it kept flooding. Even to the point we couldn't get to the garbage cans.

So, this year, Jeff and the boys layed sod.
Then, yesterday we had a lot of helpers come to "rock on."
And, yes, some got dumped in the pool.
Oh, and our tile paver path. It all looks great!

And, here is our garden with our lovely path and those are tomato plants that are taking over. We have eaten several zucchini already.


  1. Wow!! What a difference! I can't wait to see it. It looks so good to see everyone out there......where are the two Austill girls?..sitting around, sipping lemonaide and watching the boys work? (If so, great..I have taught you well.) Tell my good-looking, perfect Son hello...don't forget to kiss all the kids for me (yes, kiss Kade for me too, even though he claims to not like my kisses.) Love you all very much, Love Mom & Nana xoxxoxoxoxoxoxxo

  2. That looks awesome. Who woud've thought you could grow grass in Arizona ;) I want to come visit. maybe we should come in the fall.
