Saturday, September 26, 2009

It has been a crazy month. Kids have been so busy with school. I have been working a temperary job. It is all day every day and about a 30 mile commute. Mornings are early with getting kids to orchestra and soccer practice, then getting the other two ready for school, then rushing out the door to work. Which leaves Jeff to do the afternoons. He has had to run kids to dentist appointments and tries to hit all the soccer games. Then we rush to have dinner and get boys to scouts or other school events and Jeff and I are exhausted.
Anyway, I'm out in the country and took these next couple of pictures outside my work window. Lots of wild rabbits, squirrels. I haven't seen any road runners or snakes yet, but they say they are quite common.

There is a golf course right behind too and the other day we could hear the coyotes howling. There were three of them out there. This isn't a good picture. They were much closer than this looks. We have had a coyote wander along this back patio more than once since I have been out there.

Here is Nicholas playing soccer. His team is in the purple. He has done really good (from what I hear, I haven't seen him play)
Nicholas is right in front here.
And they won for the first time on Thursday. They have lost all the other 7. And Jeff missed it.
Oh, and did I mention we are still getting to 100 degrees. The mornings have been nice, about 80. We are supposed to cool down this next week to only a high of 90.


  1. Wow what a busy live you have. Congrats to Nicholas and his win, what happened to his wrist?And what kind of weird big-eared rodents to have down there? Funny pictures. Miss you guys. love ya

  2. I love you all very much...and miss you lots! Nicholas looks great, I hear everyone is doing real well in school. Take more pictures of the critters, that was really fun. Love Nana & Mom xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
