Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Only One

Kind of weird to only have one boy in the pinewood derby this year. This is Jeff's 8th car. And, only one more to go...

We couldn't believe our first time at scouts when there are about 30 boys in one ward. Our ward in Tempe combined with two other wards and we were lucky to have 10 show up.
They were really organized.
And the winner is....
Kade! He won first place for the Bears and 2nd overall. Yeah! (the boy that won 1st overall bought his car on-line. Is it good sportsmanship to say he cheated??)

(Hmmm, should Jeff or Kade be in this picture)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Way to go Jeff and Kade!!! I think that the dads should have their own race, so the boys actually participate in the building of the car. The best part is to watch the dads, the boys are usually running around the gym playing and the dads are comparing what they did, and nervous to see if theirs will be the winner. We will have to get some tips because our pine wood derby is in 2 months.

  3. Good job JEFF for making a winning pinewood derby car! (With Kade's obvious help of course!) Good job KADE for getting 1st and 2nd place! :)

  4. Like father, like son...remember you won first place how many times?? Or should I say, you learned how to build them from the best? Way to go Kade!! I'm glad you are finally teaching your dad something. Love you, Nana Austill

  5. Way to go kade. Nate can't wait to help Rylan make his.
