After months of making stockings, and getting down to the wire of having them ready in time...they finally got hung on the 23rd. Whew! now Santa can come.
Christmas Eve and the new pajamas is always a good time (notice the pink princess and her pose)
It came, it came just the same! and of course, dad is having to put something together, but it was a toy he got, so he was having fun
The mess.....
Derek is 11
He likes to challenge me with how he wants his cake to look. Last year was a football logo and this is a hockey logo. I must say, in a picture, it looks really good
He likes to challenge me with how he wants his cake to look. Last year was a football logo and this is a hockey logo. I must say, in a picture, it looks really good
All he asked for was a purple ipod, and he got it! Happy Birthday Derek!